Funds to support much needed technology upgrade
By: John Schadler
With a $1500 technology grant from Dielectric, the Raymond Village Library shifts from a traditional storehouse of books to a dynamic digital information center that puts the world’s knowledge right at hand.
The Raymond Village Library is the free public library serving Raymond, Maine’s close-knit community of about 4,300 people. As a long-standing member of this community, we feel strongly that sponsoring the library’s technology center is a very worthwhile endeavor.
The money will be used to buy three or four new laptops, two of which will replace two desktop computers that have become unreliable. While the laptops will be connected to full-size monitors and keyboards for public use, the fact that they’re portable devices means that the library now has the flexibility to move them wherever they’re needed. One such application is to offer classes where patrons can use the laptops to learn basic skills, such as using Gmail, Google Drive, and the library download service.
The purchase of new laptops is one of many steps the library’s Board of Trustees has taken to upgrade its technology infrastructure. Recently, the library joined the Maine State Wi-Fi network, and boosted its internet network performance to reach speeds of up to 100Mbps. Patrons can now access a free Wi-Fi signal in the building, the parking lot, and the Garden Gazebo Reading Room.
The library recently posted the following statement on its website, “Raymond Village Library is grateful for Dielectric’s support. Free public access to technology is key to fulfilling the library’s mission. Books are still important, but delivering content and experiences to the community in new, different and exciting ways will allow patrons to ‘Open the Door and Discover the Possibilities.’”